FRIENDS! I heard that there was a way to get 10 free boxes shipped to my door from USPS for military care packages and immediately ordered myself some. I then learned there was a way to get a free "Military Care Kit" shipped to me and jumped on that train too. I am SET - and when I run out, I can just order more! Remember, you are ordering it...for FREE. And it is beautiful.
In fact, there are all kinds of free shipping supplies from USPS. Click here to see a variety of free boxes of all different sizes. The kit is of course only for military care packages, but apparently the boxes are for free for anyone shipping anything priority mail. They say it will take 7-10 business days to ship but I had mine in just a couple days. All the photos in this post are from what I received in the mail. The kit gives you 4 boxes of 2 different sizes, tape, address labels, and customs forms with instructions. Yes please!

Ahhh, customs forms. Because everyone loves filling out forms, right?
The kit comes with little booklets of the customs forms you will need, each with instructions to help you out. If you fill out all the information you can when the kit arrives, you will have less to do for each care package. I have also heard some great advice to keep a few customs forms in your car filled out with the address so that when family or friends ask to send your service member packages, you have them at the ready.
Here is the USPS page on the kit. To order, just call 800-610-8734 and ask for the Military Care Kit, or milkit. I spoke with a pleasant gentleman who took my address and told me it was on its way! That's it. Really.
Below are the customs forms and most of the instructions. If you found your forms online, you can get a head start with these instructions or double check that they are the right ones.
I don't know about you, but I suddenly feel a little warm and fuzzy towards the postal service. I absolutely LOATHE going to the post office, too, so the fact that I only have to go for overseas box drop-offs just made my husband that much more likely to get frequent care packages and on-time holiday boxes.

Now, go forth and send boxes!